Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Web Slinging Racism (Updated)


Alas, it seems that now I have yet another reason to comment on this story. You see, one of my least favorite celebrity talking heads has apparently decided to weigh in on this topic. Who might that be? None other than Glenn Beck. Yep. Mr. Beck doesn't seem to like the new Spidey either. Why, one might ask? Well, to hear him tell it, it's not because he's half-Latino, half-Black, or even possibly gay...because Glenn Beck "doesn't care" about that stuff...really? Has he really convinced himself that because he invites the occasional Black or Hispanic guest onto his show that his biases don't shine through? Mr. Beck states...
“I think a lot of this stuff is being done intentionally. What was it that Mrs. Obama said before the campaign? Because its strange how so much of this seems to all be happening,” he said. Beck then played an audio file of Michelle Obama saying that “we’re gonna have to change our traditions.”
You can listen to more here

So now, not only do we have to contend with folks making overtly racist comments on virtually every internet based outlet, now we are graced with Mr. Beck's brand of sensationalist rhetoric. Now only if Mr. Beck could get back on the air with Bill O'Reilly (Another favorite talking head...note the sarcasm), they could collaborate and really make my day.

Original Post Follows

Because I have always been a huge Spiderman fan, this event holds a special place for me.

For those of you who don't know, there is a website that collects Facebook posts that begin with the phrase "I'm not racist, but..." and then compiles and posts those comments. While the author doesn't hide the profile pic, he (or she) does blur out the person's name.

Unfortunately, this is not (by far) one of the few instances in which people publicize some pretty hateful biases and prejudices.

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