Thursday, June 23, 2011


Hello Everyone,

This is my latest endeavor in blogging. For those who I have not yet met, allow me to share something with you up front. This blog is a place for me to share my perspective on things others have said, posted online, or otherwise disclosed. Most of my comments will center on treating others with dignity and respect. Much of my focus remains promoting an anti-racist and anti-sexist environment. I hope the comments I make here will cause readers to pause, think, and reflect not just on what they're feeling, but also why they are experiencing those feelings in particular, whatever they may be. I am not writing in order to force my values or opinions on anyone. I am writing to share information. All this being said, if anyone cares to reply to any statement I make in this forum, I ask only that you consider the potential audience who may read it and be cognizant of the impact of your words. I will do the same.

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