Thursday, June 23, 2011

What is Sexy?

I'd like to begin with a bumper sticker I came across a couple days ago. I haven't found the exact sticker online, but I did come across the graphic, which I've posted below:
The caption for the bumper sticker was "Reading is Sexy". The conversation I would like to initiate regarding this centers on mixed messages. For some, the message from this display may well be exactly what the caption states. For others, myself included, there is another interpretation. I would like to assert that it is not the reading of the book which makes the woman in this graphic attractive, but the other way around. So, to be more accurate, perhaps the caption for the sticker should read "Large breasted women with tiny waists can make anything look sexy".

On that note, allow me to mention the other message which this sticker promotes. In order to be attractive, or sexy, women need to have large breasts, tiny waists, and impossibly slim features. This body image is nothing new. This stereotype of what is considered attractive is widely marketed to practically every age group of both men and women, boys and girls. We have inundated ourselves with such a narrow interpretation of what makes one attractive that anything resembling normal now seems inadequate.

Both men and women come in a variety of sizes and shapes. It seems both narrow-minded and downright silly to presume that only a fraction of a percent who come close to fitting an exaggerated ideal should be considered attractive. So why then should we continue to perpetuate a stereotype?

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